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Preventive actions
1. Prevention of parasitic diseases.
Helminths, or intestinal parasites, worms. The breeder should provide you with the following information:
* When was the prevention of worms done, what drug and when to repeat the procedure;
* When and what vaccination was given, with what drug and when the next vaccination should be given.
One of the most common mistakes is vaccinating a dog that has not been previously worm out. The presence of worms in its action is a disease: the toxins released by them suppress the immune system and it cannot produce antibodies in sufficient quantities. Therefore, do not forget to give the dog anthelmintic drugs 7-10 days before vaccination!
You can vaccinate a dog only in a veterinary clinic or call a doctor at home! Before being vaccinated, the puppy should look perfectly healthy and feel good. After vaccination, it is advisable to observe the puppy for 5-6 hours, and if signs of an allergic reaction appear, such as swelling of the nasopharynx, difficulty breathing, hardening of the lips, call the doctor immediately. Allergic reactions to vaccination are very rare, but unfortunately they do occur. Try not to combine flea and tick treatment a few days before and after vaccination.
We recommend using the Nobivac, MULTICAN or Vanguard vaccine. If at least one vaccination with a certain drug has already been done, then the complex must be continued with it.
The following vaccinations are mandatory: the first - at 2 months, the second - after 3-4 weeks. The rabies vaccine can be injected together with a complex second vaccination, or after changing teeth at 6-7 months. Next, the dog should be vaccinated annually against plague parvovirosis, leptospirosis, etc. and rabies. Remember that before inoculation it is imperative to drive out the worms. If, as a result of such treatment, it is found that the dog has been worm-leafed, then the treatment should be repeated and the dog vaccinated only after consulting a veterinarian.
Run the worms every three to four months. Observe the exact dosage indicated in the instructions. Weigh the dog and calculate the dosage. Overdose can lead to serious complications, up to the death of the animal, and insufficient dosage will not get rid of parasites. In cases of severe worming, deworming must be repeated after 10 days. If several animals live in your house, then carry out similar activities at the same time for everyone to avoid the danger of re-infection with worms from each other.
We recommend using MILBEMAX, Drontal, Caniquantel
Ticks and fleas can be carriers of various diseases. One of the most dangerous diseases carried by ticks is piroplasmosis. If the dog is not provided with veterinary care on time, the death of your pet may occur on the 3rd day of illness. We recommend drops "Advantiks", "BlochNet max", "Frontline". As our practice has shown, it is necessary to use the drug as soon as the snow begins to melt. Personally, our dogs are treated with drops and sprays "BlokhNet max"
Keep your litter clean. For convenience, it is recommended to have several replaceable pillowcases on the bedding, periodically change them and wash them. After a walk, you need to wipe your paws and, if necessary, your stomach with a damp cloth or wash it with clean water without soap (shower) if it's dirty outside. You should not wash your puppy with shampoo unnecessarily, only in case of heavy pollution. The shampoo must be diluted with water! After bathing with regular shampoo, the puppy should be protected from drafts. Ears, as they become dirty, should be cleaned with a cotton swab with petroleum jelly or a special ear lotion (for example, "Bars"). Ear lotion helps dissolve the earwax and pushes it out, where it can be conveniently scrubbed with a swab.

You should periodically cut the puppy's claws (curved tip) with special claws. The fifth finger will always have to be cut, despite the fact that the dog grinds the rest of its claws on the asphalt during a walk.
ATTENTION! You need to cut the claws VERY carefully so as not to cut off the excess and not to hurt the vessel! If you touch the living tissue and bleed, it is urgent to treat the wound with dry potassium permanganate - its crystals, taken on a cotton swab, cauterize the cut.
Carefully monitor the condition of your baby's teeth, especially during the period of their change. If the milk teeth interfere with the growth of the permanent ones, problems with the bite and position of the puppy's canines are possible. In the event that the baby teeth did not fall out on their own, you should contact your veterinarian. Never pull toys out of your mouth or play with a leash outside. When your puppy grows up, make sure that he does not develop tartar, which will inevitably lead to diseases of the oral cavity. Allergies (red ears or dandruff) are possible due to a change in feed or an excess of vitamins. If your puppy "rides his butt" or tries to bite frequently under his tail, this is usually caused by worms or anal inflammation. Most often, the glands are clogged! Ask your veterinarian to show you how to clean them, and in the future you will be able to carry out this procedure yourself.
After sleeping and playing, the puppy has a natural need - to empty the bladder and intestines, in this case it is good to take the puppy outside (only after all the vaccinations) or to the place in the apartment on a special diaper (we recommend disposable baby diapers - they are sold in any supermarket or pharmacy). Puppies begin to ask deliberately from 4 months, but much depends on the skill and patience of the owners, you can teach them to cleanliness earlier. As soon as you notice that the puppy begins to spin and sit down, you need to put him in the place prepared for this purpose and hold him for a while. In most cases, the puppy will quickly become accustomed to using these “home comforts”.
On the first night in a new place, your baby may whine a little, and, most likely, he will stubbornly scratch his paws and ask you to go to bed. Until now, his whole world was in the "nest" in which he was born, his mother, brothers, sisters - littermates were nearby, and suddenly everything changed in an instant. The puppy is in a state of mild stress. Be patient, don't take him to bed.
Do not allow from the first day what cannot be done by an adult dog in the future. The dog does not understand - today it is "allowed" and tomorrow it is "not allowed". If you give a weakness, get ready for the fact that the new tenant will always share a sleeping place with you!
The first command that is taught to the puppy is the command "No". The puppy must know and follow this command well.
Already at a very early age, you can slowly accustom your puppy to the command "Come to me!" ...
Encourage him to follow this command both at home and on the street. As a reward, there can be a piece of delicacy, a favorite toy, and most importantly, of course, do not skimp on praise. Remember, if your kid misbehaves, but still obeyed the command "Come to me" and ran up to you, in no case should you punish the puppy! After executing this command, all "scores" for past faults should be forgotten. If this happens, your dog will never approach you on the street. If on walks you take the puppy on a leash just to lead him home, he will quickly learn that "Come to me!" associated with an unpleasant termination of the walk. If it is possible to let the puppy run without a leash, then after he has run a little, take him on a leash, walk with him, and then let him go again. During one walk, this should be done several times, then there will be no problems with the leash. In addition to working out the command "Come to me!" these exercises will train your dog to walk calmly on a leash. In modern cities, a lot of dogs die under the wheels of cars. On crowded streets and passing lanes, a puppy and an adult dog (even a very obedient one) should only be on a leash. A small puppy, having played, can encroach on your new shoes left in the corridor, or on recently pasted wallpaper, leave a puddle in an undesirable place, etc. Remember, you can stop unwanted actions with your voice, you do not need to spank or something else. something to punish the puppy. He reacts very well to intonation and will understand that you are unhappy.
Better yet, don't "provoke" the puppy. Leaving him at home alone, clean up small and necessary things that are accessible to his teeth, especially shoes, threads, needles, and so on. Raise curtains, hanging tablecloths, wires.
The puppy cannot immediately learn the numerous prohibitions.
Punishment for a "crime" can only be found at the PLACE of the "crime", at the moment of its commission. If you came home, and your favorite slippers were disassembled to the ground, the puppy jumps for joy when he sees you, and you start scolding him, he will decide what happened to him for such a stormy meeting, and he will not even remember about the slippers. You can't punish for a puddle or a heap at all! You just need to show that this is not good and that you are not happy (with your voice, facial expressions). The metabolism of a growing puppy is so violent that it can stain in an apartment for up to 5-6 months. If you take it out into the yard after each sleep, feeding - the puddles will become much less. In the apartment, you can take the puppy to a specially designated place with a newspaper, a rag or a pharmacy sheet laid on the floor. If you need to leave for a long enough period, the puppy should be well "walked" and fed, then he will sleep most of the time before your arrival.
You cannot walk with an unvaccinated puppy!
Vaccination must be carried out before the start of the change of teeth, that is, up to 3 months. Puppy owners need to remember that the lack of physical activity, as well as inadequate feeding at the age of up to 1.5 years, that is, during the period of intensive development, cannot be compensated later, and a good breeding, working, show dog will not come out of such a puppy! A small puppy should walk often, but little by little - so as not to get tired. Gradually, the number of walks decreases, and their duration increases. From 6 months old the puppy can walk for 20 minutes without a leash and half an hour on a leash daily or walk 4-5 km a day. Long walks can be done ONLY BEFORE FOOD. Puppies should be taken out as often as possible, but do not forget - long walks only before meals, after meals you can go out only for the sake of keeping the house clean. If possible, be sure to let them play with peers, but under your supervision, preventing dangerous moments. On walks, do not encourage aggressiveness and pugnaciousness, because later, due to the quarrelsomeness brought up in this way, your dog will be forced to walk alone.

You must remember that the normal temperature for a puppy is between 38 and 39 degrees.

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”


In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”

The first days after purchasing a puppy, you need to feed him the same as the breeder fed him. After the puppy adapts to the new home, if desired, it can be gradually transferred to the diet that is most acceptable for the new owner. You need two bowls - one for food and one for water. One bowl of water should stand at all times. Remember to keep the water clean and fresh. Food is put only at mealtime, no more than 15 minutes. If the puppy is indulging, distracted, eats poorly, uneaten food is removed. The puppy must be fed from a stand of such a height that the bottom of the bowl is level (DOG MUST LOOK INTO THE BOWL) so that the cervical vertebrae, the spine itself and the joints of the front legs are not bent. The height of the stand should increase as the puppy grows. The water should also stand on the stand. Food should be moderately warm (not from the refrigerator, but not from the stove, ~ 30-370C).

The number of feedings depends on age:

1-2 months - 6 times a day

2-4 months - 5 times a day

4-6 months - 4 times a day

7-12 months - 3 times a day

From 1 year old - 2 times a day

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

DRY FOOD: Purina® PRO PLAN®, ABBA, PRO BALANCE (you need to feed at the rate, in exceptional cases you can add 50-80 g)

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”


Labrador retrievers tend to be overweight, so you need to feed them in accordance with a verified diet. Normally, in an adult dog, the ribs do not stick out, but are easily felt when pressed. A properly formed Labrador retriever has fat, but there are no signs of obesity - a sagging back or "parted" limbs.

  • Boneless meat: Turkey, chicken (with care), beef. Offer sinewy parts of the carcass instead of fillets and tenderloins. Scald raw meat and offal with boiling water before feeding, give boiled meat, after removing small bones.

  • Rumen (stomach of ruminants) Feed raw and unpeeled, but freeze before doing so. In addition to protein, it will contain minerals, digestive enzymes and cellulose. We also have a positive attitude towards beef liver, brain, trimmings, trachea. The latter can be given from 5 months.

  • Boiled fish: Cod, hake, pollock, capelin. Source of phosphorus and iodine.

  • Eggs are given raw once every three days.

  • Fermented milk products: Cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, but not fatty, however, "zero" does not carry anything useful!

  • boiled rice;

  • buckwheat porridge;

  • brown bread crackers in small quantities.

  • fruits and berries - green apple, currant;

  • vegetables and herbs - cucumbers, pumpkins, zucchini, lettuce, carrots, beets. Carrots can even be given as a toy.

  • If you feed with a natural diet, then you need mineral supplements: Gelabon, Gelakan (especially for prophylaxis. This will prevent loosening of bone tissue, as well as improper formation of the front limbs, bite and ears), as well as Phytocalcevit (we give it constantly)

    During the moulting period, we comb the dogs with Furminator, we give vitamins for wool, as well as medical sulfur (sold in veterinary pharmacies), on the tip of a knife in each portion of food.

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

In the meantime, there is no need to worry about it. ”

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